
WILMA’S CHOICE - Concert at Musicon, Den Haag (NL)
Wednesday 27 March, 2024
WILMA’S CHOICE Wilma, een iconisch figuur in Den Haag. Als vrouw van de helaas overleden programmeur Jan Borchers, is zij een vertrouwd gezicht in de bruisende muziekwereld van Den Haag, waar ze liefdevol wordt omarmd als de ware grootmoeder van de popmuziek. Gedreven door haar passie voor muziek en als eerbetoon aan Jan, organiseert Wilma regelmatig een avond in Musicon geheel naar eigen smaak. Onder de noemer ”Wilma’s Choice” neemt zij tijdelijk de leiding over het podium. In deze editie…
Needle And The Pain Reaction, met een carrière van meer dan twee decennia, zijn een kracht in de Belgische noiserockscene. Ontstaan in 1999 in Gent, put het trio inspiratie uit Sonic Youth, Shellac en anderen. Hun kenmerkende geluid, gevormd door snerpende gitaren, dreunende drums en dynamische vocalen, komt tot leven in legendarische live-optredens. Met zes albums tonen ze hun evolutie en veelzijdigheid. Het debuut, “Obsessions Of An Epic Womanizer” (2004), vangt de rauwe essentie van hun DIY-spirit. “Pheromone” (2006) leidt tot internationale tours, terwijl “Stains” (2010) hun positie in de rockscene versterkt.
Na een onderbreking door de pandemie, keren ze triomfantelijk terug in 2023 met “No Borders,” hun meest ambitieuze album. Dit uitgesproken werk weerspiegelt hun visie op een wereld zonder beperkingen. Naast hun hoofdproject, hebben ze diverse nevenprojecten, waaronder samenwerkingen en theatervoorstellingen, zoals “Chasse Patate” met Studio Orka.
Het album “No Borders” (november 2023) markeert hun terugkeer, en Needle And The Pain Reaction bereiden zich voor om hun nieuwste creaties wereldwijd te delen. Met een elektrificerend live-optreden als handelsmerk, beloven ze een krachtige sonische ervaring.
BaŠta is een power trio uit het noorden van het land die voornamelijk instrumentele nummers spelen. Na enkele jaren ervaring in verschillende bands slaan Roelof (drummer), Michel (bas), en Pascal (gitaar) de handen in één als het power trio BaŠta. De heren laten zich inspireren door verschillende muziekstijlen, te denken aan shoegaze, psychedelische blues en zelfs de zwaardere metalen. De muziek van BaŠta laat zich omschrijven als een muzikale reis waarbij hypnotische instrumentale stukken worden afgewisseld met door fuzz doordrenkte riffs.
Deur open: 20.00 uur
Aanvang show: 21.00 uur
Verwacht einde: 00.00 uur
Voorverkoop: €7,50
Deur: €9,50

No Borders Release Concert at Djingel Djangel in Antwerp (B)
Friday 29 December 2023
Hello, music lovers! We are super excited to announce that we will be playing live at Djingel Djangel in Antwerp (B) on December 29, 2023. This will be our last show of the year, and we want to make it a memorable one. We have prepared a killer setlist for you, featuring songs from our latest album No Borders, as well as some of our classics.
We want you to have the best experience possible, so we encourage you to check out the playlist before the concert and get familiar with the songs. That way, you can sing along, dance, and rock with us on stage. We love to see you having fun and enjoying our music, and we can’t wait to share this special night with you. Here's the link to the Spotify playlist.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your tickets now, invite your friends, and join us for an epic night of rock and roll. We promise you won’t regret it. This is your chance to see us live, up close and personal, and to celebrate the end of the year with us. Don’t miss it!

No Borders Review by Serge Timmers (Luminous Dash)
Sunday 26 November 2023
The only reason Needle And The Pain Reaction isn't a massively successful Belgian rock group is because they don't really need it. Even after twenty years, they're still just three buddies having a blast with riffs, drums, and powerful vocals – probably with a few pints thrown in. The major difference from their early albums is perhaps the fact that they've simply become better musicians with more confidence. The songs are well-crafted, with a sense of melody and a willingness to "freak out." There's enough experimental guitar play to stay in the noise rock scene and plenty of energy to set any festival on fire.

Needle And The Pain Reaction Rides the Sonic Wave with New Single Release "Snowstorm" from Anticipated Album "No Borders"
Sunday 22 October 2023
Needle And The Pain Reaction Rides the Sonic Wave with Upcoming Single Release "Snowstorm" from Anticipated Album "No Borders"
Ghent, October 22, 2023 — Prepare to be swept away by a tempest of sound as Needle And The Pain Reaction releases their highly-anticipated single, "Snowstorm" set to hit the airwaves in mid-October. The track serves as a thrilling preview of their forthcoming album, "No Borders," scheduled for release on November 22, 2023.
"Snowstorm" is a sonic rollercoaster, a surf punk rock instrumental that captures the essence of raw, unbridled energy. From the moment you press play, you're catapulted into a whirlwind of electrifying guitar licks, a relentless drumbeat that thunders like a locomotive, and a hypnotic bassline that weaves an irresistible groove.
This instrumental masterpiece is more than just a song; it's an experience, a ride that grabs you by the ears and doesn't let go. "Snowstorm" possesses all the elements to become a surf punk rock classic. Its unrelenting drive, powerful rhythm, and infectious melodies will have listeners hitting the replay button time and time again.
With "No Borders," Needle And The Pain Reaction breaks musical boundaries and defies genre constraints. The album promises a diverse soundscape, seamlessly blending influences from punk, grunge, alternative, and indie into an electrifying fusion that's uniquely their own.
"Snowstorm" encapsulates the essence of this musical journey, offering a taste of the sonic adventures that await within the full album. Needle And The Pain Reaction invites fans and music enthusiasts alike to embark on this exhilarating ride that transcends borders and genres.

Needle And The Pain Reaction Releases Their New Single "Mother Nature"
Friday 22 September 2023
Belgian noise rock trio Needle And The Pain Reaction has released their new single "Mother Nature," the fourth track from their latest album, "No Borders." The song is a heartfelt alternative rock gem, influenced by bands like Buffalo Tom and Dinosaur Jr., and denounces the destruction of the planet and the indifference of those responsible for it. It features a powerful and emotional vocal performance by singer and guitarist Wim Deliveyne, accompanied by dynamic guitar riffs and a driving rhythm.
"Mother Nature" is one of the highlights of "No Borders," the band's sixth album, released in November 2023. The album explores the theme of breaking down barriers and limitations that oppress and divide us, while paying tribute to those who fight for their rights and ideals. It showcases the band's heaviest and most dynamic sound yet, combining distorted guitars, pounding drums, and dynamic vocals.
The band has already performed some of the new songs live in front of their loyal fans, who responded enthusiastically. They are eager to share their new songs with the world and are ready to hit the road, performing their latest album live in as many places as possible, both in Belgium and abroad. Don't miss the chance to see them live and experience their unique brand of noise rock.

Needle in concert with La Muerte, Motor!k & Sovjet War
Saturday April 29
De Klinker Club - Aarschot (B)
Doors 7PM

Needle in concert
Thursday October 27 - 2022 at 9 PM
Private show - contact Almacen on Facebook to join

Needle goes VELVET with KIKA Da Silva & Teuk Henri
Sunday November 21 at 5PM
Brasserie de la Mule - Brussels (B)
NEEDLE goes VELVET is a Nico tribute by Kika Da Silva & Needle. A cool original storytelling performance & semi-acoustic Velvet Underground set as in Andy Warhol's The Factory, New York late '60's.
Needle And The Pain Reaction, legendary Power Trio from Ghent and celebrating their 21 year anniversary in 2021 with a new singles & an upcoming album in 2022, still found the time for a wonderful side track project.
Together with artist, musician, guitarist Teuk Henri and inspired by Kika Da Silva, Photographer, Flamenco Danser, Video Director, Actress, Writer and Artist in Movement, Needle will pay tribute to Nico, German singer, songwriter, musician, model, and actress, but above all fragile muse for Andy Warhol and The Velvet Underground. Needle will play Velvet Underground songs that once were carried by Nico's dark voice, not in their hometown, but in Ibiza (Spain), the island where she went on holiday in June 1988 to rest but died after having a stroke while cycling.
Though Nico her singing was quite extraordinary and unique, Kika Da Silva does an amazing job performing these songs on stage, backed by Needle's supercooled interpretation of these Velvet songs.
Needle goes Velvet featuring Kika Da Silva will not only play their best known songs such as Sunday Morning, All Tomorrow's Parties, Femme Fatale and more, but Kika will also tell stories from her turbulent life and inside gossip stories from The Factory where she spent her most extravagant years in the company of John Cale, Lou Reed, and many more legends from that era.

New release: Bad Habit
New release November 8th, 2021 - "I am a man with a bad bad habit. I like to use my brain" The cynical lyrics of Bad Habit talk about the large amount of people dragged into sickness and misery by conspiracy crap and fake news. Maybe it's time they grew the bad habit of using their brain. Put the volume up and bang that head to shake our grey cells!

New release: Greta
Greta. A few years ago, that name stopped being a name and became a battle cry in our global fight for survival. A fragile girl facing the established political crocodiles without any fear nor restraint – how more punk can you be? So we pay tribute and obeisance to one of the most influential human beings we have around us. Here’s Greta. No more words needed.

One To Fight For on Luminous Dash
Dutch review of our single One To Fight For by Ann Cnockaert.
"One To Fight For slaat in als een bom. Beukende drums en vooral fantastische gitaarriffen. De voorstuwende kracht die uitgaat van het nummer zorgt ervoor dat het onmogelijk is om te blijven stilzitten.
Het nummer vertelt over de instabiele geestelijke gezondheid tijdens ontwrichtende tijden. Een schreeuw om empathie en zorg voor vrienden en vreemden die lijden onder plotselinge isolatie. Een observatie van sociale media lynchmenigten die hun zelfverzonnen waarheden uitschreeuwen.
Na 21 jaar klinken Needle And The Pain Reaction nog steeds als een frisse jonge energieke rockband met een DIY attitude om U tegen te zeggen."

Backfire on Luminous Dash
Dutch review of our single Backfire by Wouter De Sutter.
"Nieuwe single van het powertrio dat vorig jaar – net voor de eerste lockdown – de twintigste lente van Needle And the Pain Reaction kon vieren. In De Roes, de rock-‘n-roll catacombe pal in het Gentse stadscentrum, én in goed gezelschap, dat spreekt voor zich. Backfire, het eerste nieuwe werk sinds de release van het tweeluik Porcupine/Paper Trails (2017), stelt niet teleur."